Saturday, July 18, 2020

Why A Knowledge Sharing Culture is Critical for Business?

Knowledge-Sharing Culture

A culture that stimulates knowledge sharing is a key element of successful knowledge management. There are many forms and forms of knowledge sharing: sometimes found in conversations, knowledge sharing platforms, as process integration or small behaviors in the organization. Knowledge sharing is the process of sharing expertise, information, and skills that everything about knowledge between people and organizations. It is requires a specific culture which the information can be exchanged freely and should not be regarded as a means of social manipulation or job security. Through knowledge sharing employees are able to work more effectively and efficiency with others and gaining experience of individual and also group.

How to create knowledge sharing culture in an organization?
Here are 5 effective ways to create knowledge sharing culture in an organization.

1.      Keeping the Communication Transparent

Employees can freely express their personal ideas in an open knowledge sharing environment may contribute to future success. Knowledge sharing through open communication can build up the trust and awareness among employees.

2.      Show people how to share knowledge

People are natural to learn and explore new things and when it comes to share knowledge they are also willing to share what they know.  For those who are willing to share knowledge can empower the atmosphere and motivate others to realize that they have to teach and share something.

3.      Motivate people to share knowledge

By motivate people to share their knowledge can create a need that allows them to realize the benefits or an opportunity to be recognized as an expert or rewarded.

4.      Help employees to understand it is OK to made mistake

People are usually learned from the mistakes so by sharing the good and bad experience are also a knowledge sharing. When people are sharing their good practice it will undermine the effectiveness and creative of thinking. By sharing the bad practice and solution people can try to avoid it and also build up the trust of each other.

5.      Choose a technology or tools of sharing knowledge

Technologies are enable people to share their knowledge in geographically dispersed organizations. By using tools people can obtain the information and data more efficiency.

What are the benefits of knowledge sharing culture in an organization?

Sharing knowledge throughout a company is beneficial for employees across different departments and professional levels. The benefits of knowledge sharing are endless in the corporate sphere as employees with different skills can share their knowledge with others.

Here are the 4 most benefits of knowledge sharing culture in organization.


1. Facilitates Efficiency and Competence

Information is consequently lost when employees shift jobs or roles, which inhibits company’s growth and productivity. Knowledge sharing avoids this problem because the knowledge of experienced employees is stored within the company for the utilization of current and future employees. Employees usually spend a lot of time to find relevant information to use in their work. If information is readily available, it can be minimized and used more effectively, thereby promoting information sharing workplace culture.

2. Bridges Potential Gaps in Shared Knowledge

The penetration of knowledge across different functions within companies helps to fill the gaps in knowledge. As the older generations inevitably departing the workforce and influx of millennials coming in, it is critical to pass knowledge to these younger generations to bridge the generational gap. This ensures an ongoing informative mindset, from which employees can grow personally and professionally.

3. Emphasizes a Learning Culture

A nurturing environment that encourages learning will create a more attractive and adaptable workplace. The establishment of a learning culture is very important to provide learners with the educational needs relevant to the increased performance in their roles. Employees who understand the processes within the company are more likely to adapt to changes in the industry and company, as well as more likely to be promoted or take on greater responsibilities.

4. Builds a Support Network

Sharing knowledge can brings employees closer together, so that they feel comfortable when they asking for assistance or looking for answers. In order to build a strong and close-knit work community, a platform can be established in which useful company related information can be stored, and employees can uniquely access this information.

Knowledge sharing in the workplace is an excellent way to develop communities within a company. Employees can provide useful insights and can also view any shared information that may have previously been flawed. It not only can improve employee efficiency, but also helps companies to reduce costs and time associated with knowledge search.

Therefore, creating knowledge sharing culture into the philosophy of a business can diminish company’s silos and encourage transparency critical to organizational success.

Do you have any other thoughts on knowledge sharing culture? Feel free to comment below and let us discuss together!


  1. Ohhh Now only i know knowledge sharing culture is important for an organization! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Hi Joanna! Glad you found it helpful! Thanks for your comment ^_^

  2. Replies
    1. Hi yenyung! Glad to help you! Thanks for your comment =D


Why A Knowledge Sharing Culture is Critical for Business?

Knowledge-Sharing Culture A culture that stimulates knowledge sharing is a key element of successful knowledge management. There are many...